Configuring a 3g/4g USB modem on a Fortigate.
#config system modem
#set status enable
This should get the modem showing up in the GUI
#set phone1 *99#
#set extra-init1 “at+cgdcont=1,\”IP\”,\”\””
If modem id needs to be added:
First get the USB device ID:
#fnsysctl cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
#config system 3g-modem custom
#set vendor “My Phone Company”
#set model “my phone model”
#set vendor-id “ff55″
#set product-is “88aa”
Enable 4G/LTE:
#config system global
#set usb-lte enable
#diagnose sys modem detect wireless
#diagnose sys modem external-modem